


    B 1. A Novel Osseous Densification Approach in Implant Osteotomy Preparation to Increase Biomechanical Primary Stability, Bone Mineral Density, and Bone-to-Implant Contact

    Huwais S, Meyer EG. A Novel Osseous Densification Approach in Implant Osteotomy Preparation to Increase Biomechanical Primary Stability, Bone Mineral Density, and Bone-to-Implant Contact. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2017;32:27–36.

    B 2. Effects of osseodensification protocol on insertion, removal torques, and resonance frequency analysis of BioHorizons® conical implants. An ex vivo study

    Cáceres F, Troncoso C, Silva R, Pinto N. Effects of osseodensification protocol on insertion, removal torques, and resonance frequency analysis of BioHorizons® conical implants. An ex vivo study. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res. 2020 Oct- Dec;10(4):625-628. doi: 10.1016/j.jobcr.2020.08.019. Epub 2020 Aug 31. PMID: 32983856; PMCID: PMC7494466.

    B 3. Effect of osseodensification on the increase in ridge thickness and the prevention of buccal peri-implant defects: an In-vitro randomized split-mouth pilot study

    Frizzera, F., Spin-Neto, R., Padilha, V. et al. Effect of osseodensification on the increase in ridge thickness and the prevention of buccal peri-implant defects: an In-vitro randomized split-mouth pilot study, BMC, Oral Health 22,233 (2022)

    B 4. Temperature Changes during Implant Osteotomy Preparations in Human Cadaver Tibiae Comparing MIS® Straight Drills with Densah® Burs.

    Soldatos, N.; Pham, H.; Fakhouri,W.D.; Ngo, B.; Lampropoulos, P.; Tran, T.;Weltman, R. Temperature Changes during Implant Osteotomy Preparations in Human Cadaver Tibiae Comparing MIS® Straight Drills with Densah® Burs. Genes 2022, 13, 1716.

    B 5. Temperature Changes (∆T) in Correlation with Number of Implant Osteotomy Preparations in Human Cadaver Tibiae, Comparing Osseodensification (OD) Burs in Clockwise (CW) versus Counterclockwise (CCW) Mode 

    Soldatos, N.; Heydari, A.; Horton, L.; Sarrami, S.; Nordlie, L.; Choi, D.; Weltman, R. Temperature Changes (ΔT) in Correlation with Number of Implant Osteotomy Preparations in Human Cadaver Tibiae, Comparing Osseodensification (OD) Burs in Clockwise (CW) versus Counterclockwise (CCW) Mode. J. Funct. Biomater. 2024, 15, 237.

    B 6. The Effect of Under-Drilling and Osseodensification Drilling on Low-Density Bone: A Comparative Ex Vivo Study 

    Seo, Dong-Jun, Seong-Yong Moon, Jae-Seek You, Won-Pyo Lee, and Ji-Su Oh. 2022. “The Effect of Under-Drilling and Osseodensification Drilling on Low-Density Bone: A Comparative Ex Vivo Study” Applied Sciences 12, no. 3: 1163.

    B 7. Biomaterial and Biomechanical Considerations to Prevent Risks in Implant Therapy

    Bonfante, Estevam A, et al. “Biomaterial and Biomechanical Considerations to Prevent Risks in Implant Therapy.” Periodontology 2000. 2019 Sep;81:139-151.

    B 8. Biomechanics in Implant Osteotomy Preparations

    Huwais. “Biomechanics in Implant Osteotomy Preparations”. Published by Inside Dentistry, Volume 10, December 2014


    H 1. Osseodensification Versus Subtractive Drilling Techniques in Bone Healing and Implant Osseointegration: Ex Vivo Histomorphologic/Histomorphometric Analysis in a Low-Density Bone Ovine Model

    Mullings O, Tovar N, Abreu de Bortoli JP, Parra M, Torroni A, Coelho PG, Witek L. Osseodensification Versus Subtractive Drilling Techniques in Bone Healing and Implant Osseointegration: Ex Vivo Histomorphologic/Histomorphometric Analysis in a Low-Density Bone Ovine Model. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2021 Sep-Oct;36(5)

    H 2. Osseodensification enables bone healing chambers with improved low‑density bone site primary stability: an in vivo study

    Mello-Machado, R.C., Sartoretto, S.C., Granjeiro, J.M. et al. Osseodensification enables bone healing chambers with improved low-density bone site primary stability: an in vivo study. Sci Rep 11, 15436 (2021). 

    H 3. Osseodensification drilling vs conventional manual instrumentation technique for posterior lumbar fixation: Ex-vivo mechanical and histomorphological analysis in an ovine model

    Torroni, A, Lima Parente, PEm Witek, L, Hacquebord, JH, Caelho, PG. Osseodensification drilling vs conventional manual instrumentation technique for posterior lumbar fixation: Ex-vivo mechanical and histomorphological analysis in an ovine model. J Orthop Res. 2020; 1-7

    H 4. Absence of Healing Impairment in Osteotomies Prepared via Osseodensification Drilling

    Witek, Lukasz, et al. “Absence of Healing Impairment in Osteotomies Prepared via Osseodensification Drilling.” The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry, vol. 39, no. 1, 1 Nov. 2019, pp. 65–71.

    H 5. The Effect of Osseodensification Drilling for Endosteal Implants with Different Surface Treatments: A Study in Sheep 

    Lahens B, Lopez CD, Neiva RF, Bowers MM, Jimbo R, Bonfante EA, Morcos J, Witek L, Tovar N, Coelho PG. The effect of Osseodensification drilling for endosteal implants with different surface treatments: A study in Sheep. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2018 Aug 6.

    H 6. Osseodensification Outperforms Conventional Implant Subtractive Instrumentation: A Study in Sheep

    Oliveira PGFP, Bergamo ETP, Neiva R, Bonfante EA, Witek L, Tovar N, Coelho PG. Osseodensification outperforms conventional implant subtractive instrumentation: A study in sheep. Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl. 2018 Sep 1;90:300-307. 

    H 7. Temporal Osseointegration: Early Biomechanical Stability Through Osseodensification

    Alifarag AM, Lopez CD, Neiva RF, Tovar N, Witek L, Coelho PG. Temporal Osseointegration: Early Biomechanical Stability through Osseodensification. J Orthop Res. 2018 Sep;36(9):2516-2523.

    H 8. Alveolar Ridge Expansion: Comparison of Osseodensification and Conventional Osteotome Techniques

    Tian J, Neiva R, Paulo G, Coelho P, et al. Alveolar Ridge Expansion: Comparison of Osseodensification and Conventional Osteotome Techniques. J. Craniofac Surg 2018

    H 9. Histomorphometric Comparison of 3 Osteotomy Techniques

    Slete FB, Olin P, Prasad H. Histomorphometric Comparison of 3 Osteotomy Techniques. Implant Dent. 2018 Aug;27(4):424-428.

    H 10. Effects of Osseodensification on Astra TX and EV Implant Systems

    Neiva, R., Tanello, B., Duarte, W., Coelho, P., Witek, L. and Silva, F. (2018), Effects of osseodensification on Astra TX and EV implant systems. Clin Oral Impl Res, 29: 444-444.  

    H 11. Osseodensification for Enhancement of Spinal Surgical Hardware Fixation

    Lopez, Christopher D, Adham Alifarag, Andrea Torroni, Nick Tovar, Jesus Rodrigo Diaz-Siso, Lukasz Witek, Eduardo D Rodriguez and Paulo G. Coelho. Osseodensification for Enhancement of Spinal Surgical Hardware Fixation. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 69 (2017): 275-281.

    H 12. New Osseodensification Implant Site Preparation Method to Increase Bone Density in Low-Density Bone. In Vivo Evaluation in Sheep

    Trisi P, Berardini M, Falco A, Vulpiani MP. New Osseodensification Implant Site Preparation Method to Increase Bone Density in Low-Density Bone: _In Vivo Evaluation in Sheep. Implant Dent 2016;25:24–31.

    H 13. Biomechanical and Histologic Basis of Osseodensification Drilling for Endosteal Implant Placement in Low Density Bone. An Experimental Study in Sheep

    Lahens B, Neiva R, Tovar N, Alifarag AM, Jimbo R, Bonfante EA, Bowers MM, Cuppini M, Freitas H, Witek L, Coelho PG. Biomechanical and histologic basis of osseodensification drilling for endosteal implant placement in low density bone. An experimental study in sheep. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. 2016 Oct; 63:56-65.

    H 14. Mechanical Properties of Osseodensification Drilling as Compared to Regular Drilling

    Gendy, Fady G., Gregory D Kurgansky, Leyla Y. Cavdar, Christopher D Lopez, Lukasz Witek, Paulo G. Coelho and Andrea Torroni. “Mechanical properties of Ossedensification drilling as compared to Regular drilling.” (2017).

    H 15. Influence of Trabecular Bone Presence on Osseodensification Instrumentation: An In Vivo Study in Sheep

    Stauber, Z., Wu, S., Herbert, J. E., Willers, A., Bergamo, E. T. P., Nayak, V. V., Mirsky, N. A., Castellano, A., Jabori, S. K., Parra, M. V., Bonfante, E. A., Witek, L., & Coelho, P. G. (2024). Influence of Trabecular Bone Presence on Osseodensification Instrumentation: An In Vivo Study in Sheep. Biomimetics, 9(9), 568. 


    C 1. Osseodensification effect on implants primary and secondary stability: Multicenter controlled clinical trial

     Bergamo, ETP,  Zahoui, A,  Barrera, RB, et al.  Osseodensification effect on implants primary and secondary stability: Multicenter controlled clinical trial. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res.  2021; 1– 12. 

    C 2. Osseodensification Protocols for Enhancement of Primary and Secondary Implant Stability – A Retrospective 5-Year Follow-Up Multi-Center Study

    Tanello Bruna, Huwais Salah, Tawil Isaac, Rosen Paul, Neiva Rodrigo. Osseodensification protocols for enhancement of primary and secondary implant stability – A retrospective 5‐year follow‐up multi‐center study. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 30, (S19), 414–414. 

    C 3. Clinical Assessment of Dental Implants Placed in Low-Quality Bone Site Prepared for the Healing Chamber with Osseodensification Concept: A Double-Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial

    Mello-Machado, R.C.; Maurao, C.F.d.A.B.; Javid, K.; Ferreira, H. T.; Montemezzi, P.; Calasans-Maia, M.D.; Senna, P.M. Clinical Assessment of Dental Implants Placed in Low-Quality Bone Sites Prepared for the Healing Chamber with Osseodensification Concept: A Double Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 640.

    C 4. The effect of Osseodensification Technique on Implant stability (Clinical Trial)

    Ahmed M Ibrahim; Sherif S Ayad; Adham Elashwah. “The effect of Osseodensification Technique on Implant stability (Clinical Trial). Alexandria Dental Journal, 45,2,2020, 1-7. 

    C 5. Implant Stability of Osseodensification Drilling Versus Conventional Surgical Technique: A Systematic Review

    Gaspar J, Proença L, Botelho J, Machado V, Chambrone L, Neiva R, Mendes JJ. Implant Stability of Osseodensification Drilling Versus Conventional Surgical Technique: A Systematic Review. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2021 Nov-Dec;36(6):1104-1110.

    C 6. Osseodensification Burs: Impact on Implant Insertion and Removal Torque

    Rahimzadeh S, Rolf D, Carroll A, Parashar V, Mitchell JC. Osseodensification Burs – Impact on Implant Insertion and Removal Torque. 2018 AADR/CADR General Session, Poster ID 1028.  

    C 7. Osseodensification Increases Primary Implant Stability and Maintains High ISQ Values During First Six Weeks of Healing

    Johnson, Huwais, Olin. “Osseodensification Increases Primary Implant Stability and Maintains High ISQ Values During First Six Weeks of Healing”. Scientific Poster Presentation at the AAID 63rd Annual Meeting, November 2014

    C 8. A Multicenter Retrospective Clinical Study with Up-to-5-Year Follow-Up Utilizing a Method that Enhances Bone Density and Allows for Transcrestal Sinus Augmentation through Compaction Grafting

    Huwais S, Mazor Z, Ioannou AL, Gluckman H, Neiva R. A Multicenter Retrospective Clinical Study with Up-to-5-Year Follow-up Utilizing a Method that Enhances Bone Density and Allows for Transcrestal Sinus Augmentation Through Compaction Grafting. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2018 Nov/Dec; 33(6):1305-1311.

    C 9. Maxillary sinus membrane perforation rate utilizing osseodensification mediated transcrestal sinus floor elevation: A multicenter clinical study

    Mazor Z, Gaspar J, Silva R, et al. Maxillary sinus membrane perforation rate utilizing osseodensification mediated transcrestal sinus floor elevation: A multicenter clinical study. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2024; 1‐9. doi:10.1111/cid.13368

    C 10. Osseodensification technique in crestal maxillary sinus elevation – A narrative review

    Gaspar J, Mazor Z, Bonfante EA. Osseodensification technique in crestal maxillary sinus elevation—A narrative review. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2024;1‐16. doi:10.1111/cid.13399  

    C 11. Osseodensification versus lateral window technique for sinus floor elevation with simultaneous implant placement: A randomized clinical trial on patient-reported outcome measures

    Gaspar J, Botelho J, Proença L, Machado V, Chambrone L, Neiva R, Mendes JJ. Osseodensification versus lateral window technique for sinus floor elevation with simultaneous implant placement: A randomized clinical trial on patient-reported outcome measures. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2023 Nov 28. doi: 10.1111/cid.13294. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38018261.

    C 12. Osseodensification for Implant Site Preparation in the Maxilla – A Prospective Study of 97 Implants

    Gaspar, J. , Esteves, T. , Gaspar, R. , Rua, J. and João Mendes, J. (2018), Osseodensification for implant site preparation in the maxilla – a prospective study of 97 implants. Clin Oral Impl Res, 29: 163-163.

    C 13. Minimally Invasive Crestal Approach Sinus Floor Elevation Using Densah Burs, and Hydraulic Lift Utilizing Putty Graft in Cartridge Delivery

    Kumar, Baron Tarun, and Venkatraman Narayan, Minimally Invasive Crestal Approach Sinus Floor Elevation using Densah Burs, and Hydraulic Lift Utilizing Putty Graft in Cartridge Delivery. Clin Oral Impl Res. 2017;28(Supp 14)203-203.

    C 14. Osseodensification Crestal Sinus Floor Elevation with or without Synthetic & Resorbable Calcium Phosphosilicate Putty

    Neiva, Tanello, Huwais, et al. “Osseodensification Crestal Sinus Floor Elevation with or without Synthetic and Resorbable Calcium Phosphosilicate Putty“. European Association for Osseointegration

    C 15. Evaluation of crestal sinus floor elevations using versah burs with simultaneous implant placement at residual bone height ≥ 2.0 _<6.0 mm. A prospective clinical study

    Alhayati JZ, AL-Anee AM. Evaluation of crestal sinus floor elevations using versah burs with simultaneous implant placement at residual bone height ≥ 2.0 _<6.0 mm. A prospective clinical study. Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2022; doi:10.1007/s10006-022-01071-0

    C 16. Clinical and radiographic evaluation of Osseodensification versus osteotome for Sinus floor elevation in partially atrophic maxilla: A prospective long term study

    Shereen W Arafat; Mohamed A Elbaz. “Clinical and radiographic evaluation of Osseodensification versus osteotome for Sinus floor elevation in partially atrophic maxilla: A prospective long term study” Egyptian Dental Journal, 65, issue 1-January (Oral Surgery), 2019, 189-195. Doi: 1021608/edj.2015.71261

    C 17. Effect of Osseodensification on Bone Density and Crestal Bone Levels: A Split-mouth Study

    Aloorker S, Shetty M, Hegde C. Effect of Osseodensification on Bone Density and Crestal Bone Levels: A Split-mouth Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2022; 23 (2):162-168. DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10024-3303

    C 18. Evaluation of crestal sinus floor elevation in cases exhibiting an oblique sinus floor with a residual bone height of 4.0–7.0 mm using Densah burs with simultaneous implant placement: a prospective clinical study.

    Shalash, M., Mounir, M. & Elbanna, T. Evaluation of crestal sinus floor elevation in cases exhibiting an oblique sinus floor with a residual bone height of 4.0–7.0 mm using Densah burs with simultaneous implant placement: a prospective clinical study. Int J Implant Dent 9, 41 (2023).

    C 19. Conservative Sinus Floor Elevation and Transport of Putty Graft by Osseodensification Drills: Two Cases

    Huseyin, Keremcan, Murat. “Conservative Sinus Floor Elevation and Transport of Putty Graft by Osseodensification Drills: Two Cases“. Journal of Meffert Implant Institution Vol:2, 1, 2018

    C 20. Aleveolar Ridge Expansion by Osseodensification Mediated Plastic Deformation and Compaction Autografting: A Multicenter Retrospective Study

    Koutouzis, Theofilos DDS, MS*; Huwais, Salah DDS†; Hasan, Fadi DDS, MSD‡; Trahan, William DMD, MSD§; Waldrop, Thomas DDS, MS¶; Neiva, Rodrigo DDS, MS‖ Alveolar Ridge Expansion by Osseodensification-Mediated Plastic Deformation and Compaction Autografting, Implant Dentistry: August 2019 – Volume 28 – Issue 4 – p 349-355.

    C 21. Clinical Evaluation of Two Techniques for Narrow Alveolar Ridge Expansion: Clinical Study

    Stepan Jarikian, Mohamad Hassan Jaafo, Zuhair Al-Nerabieah. Clinical Evaluation of Two Techniques for Narrow Alveolar Ridge Expansion: Clinical Study. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2021;8(1):1047-1052.

    C 22. Osseodensification is a Novel Implant Preparation Technique that Facilitates Ridge Expansion by Compaction Autografting

    Lipton, Neiva, Trahan, et al. “Osseodensification is a Novel Implant Preparation Technique that Facilitates Ridge Expansion by Compaction Autografting”. Scientific Poster Presentation at the AAP 101st Annual Meeting, November 2015

    C 23. Enhancing Implant Stability with Osseodensification – A Case Report with 2-Year Follow-Up

    Huwais. “Enhancing Implant Stability with Osseodensification — a Case Report with 2-Year Follow-Up”. Implant Practice, April 2015

    C 24. Osseodensification Facilitates Ridge Expansion with Enhanced Implant Stability in the Maxilla: Part II Case Report with 2-Year Follow-Up

    Hofbauer, Huwais. “Osseodensification Facilitates Ridge Expansion with Enhanced Implant Stability in the Maxilla: Part II Case Report with 2-Year Follow-Up”. Implant Practice, April 2015

    C 25. Molar Septum Expansion with Osseodensification for Immediate Implant Placement, Retrospective Multicenter Study with Up-to-5-Year Follow-Up, Introducing a New Molar Socket Classification

    Bleyan S, Gaspar J, Huwais S, Schwimer C, Mazor Z, Mendes JJ, Neiva R. Molar Septum Expansion with Osseodensification for Immediate Implant Placement, Retrospective Multicenter Study with Up-to-5-Year Follow-Up, Introducing a New Molar Socket Classification. Journal of Functional Biomaterials. 2021; 12(4):66.

    C 26. Effects of Osseodensification on Immediate Implant Placement: Retrospective Analysis of 211 Implants

    Formiga, M.d.C.; Grzech-Lesniak, K.; Moraschini, V.; Shibli, J.A.; Neiva, R. Effects of Osseodensification on Immediate Implant Placement: Retrospective Analysis of 211 Implants. Materials 2022, 15, 3539.

    C 27. Tomographic and Clinical Findings, Pre-, Trans-, and Post-Operative, of Osseodensification in Immediate Loading

    Machado, Rafael & Gama, CristianeSantos & Batista, SandroHenrique & Rizzo, Denise & Valiense, Helder & Moreira, RudaF. (2018). Tomographic and clinical findings, pre-, trans-, and post-operative, of osseodensification in immediate loading. International Journal of Growth Factors and Stem Cells in Dentistry. 

    C 28. Selective Preservation of Tooth (SPOT): A Step-by-Step Protocol for a Precise, Reproducible, Socket-Shield Technique

    Schwimer C, Firlej M, Pohl S, et al. Selective Preservation of Tooth (SPOT): A Step-by-Step Protocol for a Precise, Reproducible, Socket-Shield Technique. Compendium. 2024 Jul-Aug;45(7):350-357.

    C 29. Use of the Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration Technique Combines with Osseodensification in Periodontally Compromised Extraction Sites

    da Rosa JCM, Pértile de Oliveira Rosa AC, Huwais S. Use of the Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration Technique Combined with Osseodensification in Periodontally Compromised Extraction Sites. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2019 Jul/Aug;39(4):527-534. doi: 10.11607/prd.3883. PMID: 31226191.

    C 30. Precision and trueness of computer-assisted implant placement using static surgical guides with open and closed sleeves: An in vitro analysis

    Guentsch, A., An, H., & Dentino, A. R. (2022). Precision and trueness of computer-assisted implant placement using static surgical guides with open and closed sleeves: An in vitro analysis. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 00, 1– 10

    C 31. An in-vitro analysis of the accuracy of different guided surgery systems –They are not all the same

    Guentsch A, Bjork J, Saxe R, Han S, Dentino AR. An in-vitro analysis of the accuracy of different guided surgery systems – They are not all the same. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2023 May;34(5):531-541. doi: 10.1111/clr.14061. Epub 2023 Mar 17. PMID: 36892499.

    C 32. Guided Selective Preservation of Tooth (SPOT) Protocol: Fully Guided Socket-Shield Technique

    Marcel Firlej, DDS; PhD, Charles Schwimer, DMD; Richard Martin, DDS; et al. Guided Selective Preservation of Tooth (SPOT) Protocol: Fully Guided Socket-Shield Technique. Compendium. 2024 Jan-Feb;46(2):84-93

    C 33. Preoperative Evaluation and Treatment Planning. Zygomatic Implant Critical Zone (ZICZ) Location

    Aparicio C, López-Píriz R, Peñarrocha M. Preoperative Evaluation and Treatment Planning. Zygomatic Implant Critical Zone (ZICZ) Location. Atlas Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am. 2021 Sep;29(2):185-202. doi: 10.1016/j.cxom.2021.05.003. Epub 2021 Jul 2. PMID: 34325808.

    C 34. The zygoma anatomy‑guided approach (ZAGA) for rehabilitation of the atrophic maxilla

    Aparicio, C., Olivo, A., de Paz, V. et al. The zygoma anatomy-guided approach (ZAGA) for rehabilitation of the atrophic maxilla. Clin Dent Rev 6, 2 (2022).

    C 35. Osseodensification: Does it stand up to scientific scrutiny?

    E. Dwayne Karateew, DDS; Arndt Guentsch, DMD, MHBA, PhD; and Salah Huwais, DDS; Academy News Guest ContributorsOsseodensification: Does it stand up to scientific scrutiny?

    C 36. Osseodensification – A Novel Approach in Implant Dentistry

    Pai UY, Rodrigues SJ, Talreja KS, Mundathaje M. Osseodensification – A novel approach in implant dentistry. J Indian Prosthodont Soc. 2018 Jul-Sep;18(3):196-200. 

    C 37. Does the Instrument Used for the Implant Site Preparation Influence the Bone-Implant Interface? A Systematic Review of Clinical and Animal Studies

    Tretto PHW, Fabris V, Cericato GO, Sarkis-Onofre R, Bacchi A. Does the instrument used for the implant site preparation influence the bone-implant interface? A systematic review of clinical and animal studies. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2018 Apr 24.

    C 38. An Insight into the Concept of Osseodensification – Enhancing the Implant Stability and Success

    Kanathila H, Pangi A, An insight into the concept of osseodensification-enhancing the implant stability and success. July 2018. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 12(7):ZE01-ZE03.

    C 39. Feline Dental Implants: New Paradigm Shift in Maxillary Aveolar Osteitis Treatment Planning with Osseodensification

    Mele, Kurtzman. “Feline Dental Implants: New Paradigm Shift in Maxillary Alveolar Osteitis Treatment Planning with Osseodensification.” Journal of Osseointegration. 2019, September 11. 

    C 40. New Paradigm Shift in Feline Dental Implants in Maxillary Alveolar Osteitis Treatment with Osseodensification

    Mele, R.E., Caiafa, A., & Kurtzman, G.M. Feline Dental Implants: Long-Term Follow-up of Two Cases. Journal of veterinary dentistry, (2017) 34 4, 268-278.

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